Angelic Diamond White Purity Andara Wholeness Activation
Divine Blueprinting and Multidimensional Axiatonal Alignment
$33(Approximately €29.50/£27.00/R550)

Beloved Heart,

Beloved heart, I invite you to join us in this beautiful Angelic Diamond White Purity Andara Wholeness Activation as we expand into the Archangels Temple of Purity and the Galactic Center, amplifed through the Andara Sacred Geometry Healing Grid.

Called the “Crystals of the Masters”, Andara are multidimensional elemental beings, assisting us as sacred Flames of Divinity to connect multidimensionally and expand our consciousness. They express atomically and monatomically in aligning and connecting us to our Higher Selves and multidimensional Selves and timelines of our Highest Potential. Additionally, they synchronize our work flow in both the dream state and awakening states for greater levels of joy, passion and purpose.

In this Andara Wholeness Activation, we connect with the Angelic Diamond White Purity Andara and through the Overlighting of the Archangels and their Temple of Purity, working with this sacred geometric Andara Healing Grid, we infuse each sub-atomic particle within our beingness with deepening levels of our Divinity, to amplify our frequency, expand our consciousness and experience all that is Soul aligned.

The Angelic Diamond White Purity Andara assist us in expanding our frequency through detoxification, purification, and cellular clearing, as we release old addictions and collapse and dissolve old earth timelines and all that no longer works for us. These beautiful Andara further assist us to align to our greatest joy through the observational awareness of the Witnessing Presence of our Beloved I Am, in all that we express and share as co-creators to our Universe.

Essentially the Angelic Diamond White Purity Andara assist us to let go of all that's not working in our lives and to streamline our focus. With this, we experience all that is highest aligned; to be able to jump timelines, and to expand our consciousness to the frequency and energy of what we are creating or co-creating with the pureness of our Light, our Innocence, and our Divinity. Jumping timelines is an art we master as we deepen into zero-point. For all timelines eventually merge into one, and time as we know it, no longer exists for us in the flow of New Earth.

However, to experience this unfolding of all that is Soul aligned through our Purity and Innocence, we dissolve, collapse and restructure in each Now moment, in order to master multiple dimensions and to anchor and activate these realities fully from within.

 We call this our “waking meditative states”, previously experienced in the dream time or through meditation. We feel into the truth of all that presents as we continuously create our timelines through what was previously invisible within the Quantum realms.

 In this process of Soul embodiment, with our ego ascending and our higher selves descending, all is based on our frequency, our purity and our vibration. As our higher consciousness DNA activates, we move from one passageway to the next through our ability to choose all that is highest aligned, Soul aligned as pure Presence.

For most, we exist in the place and space of being both our Higher Selves and our ego selves. It is also where we experience alignment and misalignment as we move between linear and non-linear whilst expanding our consciousness and Light.

One of the ways in which we can experience greater levels of our multidimensionality and alignment is through the Angelic Diamond White Purity Andara Divine Blueprinting Axiatonal Alignment.

The Andara Wholeness Activation of Divine Blueprinting and Multidimensional Axiatonal Alignment deepens the alignment and embodiment of our Higher Selves, multidimensional Selves and Beloved I Am Presence by reconnecting the axiatonal lines as they lie along the acupuncture meridian lines.

The axiatonal lines feed into major spin points, small vortices of energy that emit Light and sound and sacred geometry which cause the atoms of molecules in the cells to spin faster. This increased spin creates Light fibers of Crystalline Consciousness that then creates a grid for cellular regeneration, Divine Blueprinting and Light Body activation through the Divine Living Intelligence within. 

Additionally, as we elevate our frequency and expand beyond the old, the electron positron pairs within our Light Body release physical density through Photonic Light, our Soul Light, and we deepen into our purity and alignment to the Divine. The axiatonal lines further connect more deeply into the neural network of ley lines upon this sacred earth, the meridian acupuncture lines of Gaia. With this we become these vibrating stargates of Divine Love, as we expand into the Unity Grid, and all Christ Consciousness Grids multidimensionally too.

In this Divine Blueprinting and Multidimensional Axiatonal Alignment Masterclass, Overlighted by the Archangels and Andarian Beings, we utilize the Archangel's Temple of Purity and the energy of our Andara Healing Grid to expand our consciousness and elevate our frequency multidimensionally from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively as well as trace the 12 acupuncture meridian lines energetically, which in turn activates the spin points of sound and color and sacred geometry along these axiatonal lines.

As we align to the Archangel's Temple of Purity and the Diamond White Light through the Galactic Center, we anchor and activate the Andara Healing Grid through our seven primary chakras as we purify and expand beyond the old through releasing addictions, physical dis-comfort and dis-ease. We then energetically trace the 12 acupuncture meridian lines to activate the spin points and increase the spin of the sub-atomic particles within the body. 

At a fourth dimensional level, we anchor and activate the Andara Healing Grid through our seven fourth dimensional chakras, starting from our fourth dimensional portal 0.02 feet above the crown chakra to the sacral chakra as we deepen into the emotional body and feeling realm. This is where all we have suppressed comes up to be released and transcended, and where we experience many of the “Heaven and Hell” archetypal energies. 

Following this, we trace the 12 axiatonal lines through the acupuncture meridian lines to expand and align fourth dimensionally and further to this, do so for all seven dimensions we experience, along with the Andara Healing Grid anchoring’s and activations. 

At a fifth dimensional level, we anchor and activate the Andara Healing Grid through our seven fifth dimensional chakras and trace the 12 axiatonal lines, as we deepen into Zero Point, our Divine Feminine aspects, our Be-ing space and our Loving Heart.

At a sixth dimensional level, we anchor and activate the Andara Healing Grid through our seven sixth dimensional chakras and trace the 12 axiatonal lines, as we deepen into Sacred Geometry, our Divine Masculine aspects, our Do-ing space and our Power aspects.

At a seventh dimensional level, we anchor and activate the Andara Healing Grid through our seven seventh dimensional chakras and trace the 12 axiatonal lines, as we deepen into the Sonic frequencies of this multiverse through inner ear Hz frequency amplifications.

At an eighth dimensional level, we anchor and activate the Andara Healing Grid through our seven eighth dimensional chakras as we trace the 12 axiatonal lines and deepen into our inner plane initiations and timelines of self-mastery as Source Light.

And lastly, at a ninth dimensional level, we anchor and activate the Andara Healing Grid through our seven ninth dimensional chakras and trace the 12 axiatonal lines, as we deepen into the Purity and Innocence of our Divinity through the Great Central Sun, our Angelic Selves and the Black Hole of the Milky Way Galaxy where time no longer exists.

In the last part of this Andara Wholeness Activation, we activate the Pineal Gland as well as the Heart Chakra through the shape of the Star Tetrahedron. We then rewrite, recode, and activate the Light codes of the original Divine Blueprinting from within the Perineum Center through the Star Tetrahedron in this Now to experience all that is Soul aligned and all that brings forth great joy, passion and our heart’s dreaming.


You will receive a video recording from our Zoom Masterclass, plus two audio recordings, with and without background music.

Additionally, you will receive a digital download with your own Angelic Diamond White Purity Andara Healing Grid which can be printed both Letter size and Poster size, plus a beautiful 11-minute Sonic frequency Angelic Andara Wholeness Activation.

We further invite you to consider purchasing your own beautiful Angelic Diamond White Purity Andara Pendant or Crystal. 



Andara Wholeness Activation

Solar Crystalline Light Body & 12 Strand DNA Upgrade

Two Hour Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek  

$33(Approximately €29.50/£27.00/R550) 

Beloved heart,

You are invited to join us in this powerful Masterclass as we bring online our New Earth Solar Crystalline Light Bodies by initially unblocking and clearing the first seven chakras. We then expand into the 12 Body Chakra System as well as experience the 12 Strand DNA Upgrade through the Rays of Creation.

We are at an unprecedented Now moment in which we are becoming our Higher Selves upon this sacred earth through our ability to keep our Loving Heart’s open and align through the Sun and Sun’s behind the Sun as the Light of God We Are. A point of surrender and rebirth, in which our Higher Selves enter into our bodies and guide us through the Quantum and Earthly realms.

As our Bodies come online with New Earth, with the Overlighting of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and the Rays of Creation, we activate the Stargate of our Loving Heart, to expand our Higher Heart Portal through the Three-Fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom. We additionally activate the Pineal Gland, and then further expand into our Power Center, or that which we call our Spiritual Sun Vortex. With deepening levels of Love, sovereignty, freedom, power and compassion, we release judgment, addiction, lesser than and better than consciousness, power issues, and old timelines no longer needing to be experienced.

This facilitates a big shift in consciousness as we shift from our head to our heart, synchronizing our Higher Heart and Higher Mind so all flows as one again.  With this, the antakarana, the rainbow bridge of light, widens and activates through the crown chakra and up and down the spinal column as a Pillar of White Photonic Light. Additionally, the first seven chakras clear, release and unblock to open up through this increased spin rate of Photonic Light. The bottom chakras open to clear and dissolve old programming, whilst the upper chakras to the back of the body start to detach from the lower chakras as we deepen into Christ Consciousness.   

As our body expands with Photonic Light (Soul Light) and the spin rate of each cell increases, our chakras grow huge and merge into One Chakra, creating the Solar Crystalline Light Body (Rainbow Light Body) and the 12 Chakras activate along the spinal column, with the spinal column becoming the central operating system of the body. 

To facilitate this initial process of clearing and unblocking the first seven chakras, we work with the Sirian Blue Gold Power Andara Wholeness Grid. This is a beautiful Sirian Plasma Light sphere with Andara Crystal frequencies that activates through each of these seven chakras to clear, release, unblock and increase the spin rate of the chakras, with the sacred geometry primarily that of the star tetrahedron, which additionally assists in the Merkaba activation.

This is where we work through all judgment, as well as lack of worthiness/giving our power to others, as we recognize and dissolving old and unconscious beliefs through the Witnessing Presence of our Beloved I Am.

Essentially, the Sirian Blue Gold Power Andara Wholeness Grid aligns us deeper into Zero Point and Photonic Light Infusion. It facilitates the merging, integration, and embodiment of our Galactic Higher Selves, as well as activating the Sirian Light Codes of the Divine Masculine with a softness and gentleness, power, compassion and strength.

Additionally at this level, the first Seven Rays of Creation expand as seven rays of Light above the Crown Chakra, bringing online the first seven DNA Templates.

 These Ray frequencies are Divine Will, Love-Wisdom, Divine Intelligence, Harmony, Divine Science, Devotion and Ceremonial Magic. 

Once this process completes, initially through the Higher Mind and then through the Loving Heart, with the Overlighting of the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, we activate the vortex of our Higher Heart, called the Golden Heart, and expand our Loving Hearts through the Three-Fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom.

This facilitates the infusion of Golden Light into the Soular Plexus (Seat of the Soul), which expands from within the Solar Plexus and Diaphragm center. As this Yellow Golden Light becomes a Golden frequency, the infusion of White Photonic Light descends as a Pillar of Light through the Soul Star Chakra and into the Crown Chakra, up and down the spine, and out the Earth Star Chakra and brings online the 12 Body Chakra System in a Rainbow infusion of colors and Light.  

To bring online these 12 New Earth Chakras, we again utilize the Sirian Blue Gold Power Andara Wholeness Grid of Plasma Infused Light that spirals into each of the 12 chakras along the spinal column and then extends from the Crown Chakra, where it forms a spherical vortex and wheel with 12 equal parts.

. From Yellow to Gold to Rainbow Light, and the higher colors of Magenta and Rose, Aqua, Silver and White, the new hues of color and Light, of the Solar Crystalline Light Body come online.

The Perineum Chakra ignites in a beautiful Maroon and Golden Light

The Base Chakra expresses with Red and Cherry 

The Sacral Chakra merges Orange with Golden Hues

The Hara Chakra moves through the Orange Brown to Golden Amber Browns

The Solar Plexus deepens from Yellow into Golden Hues 

The Diaphragm expands from Lime Green into Golden Green hues and Diamond Light 

The Heart Chakra expands with Emerald Green and Golden Green Hues

The Thymus Chakra, as part of the Higher Heart expands with Pink and Rose 

The Throat Chakra expresses in deep Blues, light Blues and Aqua 

The Causal Body Chakra, as the Base of the Skull, expands with Magenta and Violet and Silver Hues

The Third Eye expresses in Violet and then Silver Rays along with the Eye Chakras, which become Silver in Color

The Crown Chakra deepens from Indigo to Golden Purple Hues  

Above the Body we have the Soul Star Chakra, our Transpersonal Point of Clear White and Diamond Light  

And below the Body we have the Earth Star Chakra, Black with Purple Hues plus hand, feet and knee chakras that further align to New Earth.

Whilst these colors may change with new levels of our Light Body activating beloved hearts, it gives us a good sense of what many of us will be experiencing with the Solar Crystalline Light Body and 12 Body Chakra System.

We then experience the additional Five Higher Earthly Rays activating as we deepen into the Quantum realm and inner plane Ashrams of Light.  This further creates a 12-Pointed Star above the Crown Chakra, holding the frequency of these 12 Rays of Creation, which along with the Chakras, continuously activate the 12 DNA Strands, or rather 24 DNA Strands, as each Strand is a double helix. The next level of our New Earth realities for Initiates is the ability to experience greater levels of initiations (tests) and the ability to utilize these Rays of Creation as a Multidimensional Map to all that is experienced within our New Earth Realities.

Join us in this Powerful Masterclass beautiful heart, as we expand into our Crystalline Light Body, become our Higher Light and experience the 12 Chakra System, the Rays of Creation and this 12 Strand DNA Upgrade.

This is a zoom live event and both video and audio recordings will be available for replay.

Additionally, you will receive a digital download with your own Sirian Blue Gold Power Healing and Wholeness Grid which can be printed both Letter size and Poster size.  Use this to charge and energize your food and water and/or place under your bed.

We further invite you to consider purchasing your own beautiful Andara Pendant or Crystal.




Andara Wholeness Activation

The Birth of Christ Within and the Temple of Telos

Two Hour Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek  

$33(Approximately €29.50/£27.00/R550) 

The Birth of Christ Within and the Temple of Telos

Andara Wholeness Activation


Beloved hearts, you are invited to join us in this powerful Andara Wholeness Activation Masterclass, The Birth of Christ Within and the Temple of Telos, as we expand ever deeper into the blueprints of our Divinity.

As the I Am Avatar Consciousness, we are aligning ever deeper to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and the Crystal Heart of Gaia through our ability to activate our Higher Hearts and Higher Mind as we become our Christed Light and Beloved I Am Presence upon this sacred earth.

This process of Ascension/Decension and Soul embodiment through pure Photonic and Soular Light, creates the Cosmic Map of Quantum Consciousness to which we hold ourselves in alignment in each Now moment, as we step beyond the veils of illusion, into Higher Heart Resonance as the Light of God We Are.

For many, the Inner Plane Initiations of Quantum Expansion, through the Ray Ashrams and Overlighting of the Masters, brings forth the remembrance that we are the Melchizedek Initiates of Light, the Christed One’s. As the Crown of Light with the prism of the 12 Rays descends into and around the Crown Chakra in this transformational process of becoming our Adam Kadmon Body of Light, our Crystalline Light Body, the Spinal Column aligns as the Central Divine Intelligence Operating System of our New Earth Bodies. To deepen into this transformational process, we are invited into the Office of the Christed One within Shamballa, Overlighted by Lord Buddha, to the next level of Rebirthing the Christ Light Within, initially through the Sacred Alchemical Marriage of our Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits and then rebirthing of our Christed Light.

Within the Office of the Christed One, we receive the Ray Crown of Light as we expand into the Golden Flame of Christ Consciousness and the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life, which holds the Patterns of Perfection of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes pulsating within the Solar Core of Shamballa. Through activating the Golden Sun within our Loving Hearts and through the Pineal Gland, energetically as well as through the sacred number codes related to both the Flower of Life and the Pineal Gland, we deepen into the Template of our Christ Light.

As the dance of our Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes amplifies fifth and sixth dimensionally, we experience the ignition of the kundalini energy from chakra to chakra and the flow of the cerebro-spinal fluid whilst interfacing with the Andara Glass Crystals, in particular, that which we call the Blue Green Fluorescent Light Alchemical Marriage Andara, wrapped in this beautiful Golden Flame.

This is a process of rebirthing through the Sacred Alchemical Marriage of our Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits, birthing our magical innocence and purity, our Christed Light, and with this, dissolving the separation of Heaven and Earth, our conscious and unconscious aspects, higher selves and lower selves, galactic and human aspects, masculine and feminine spirits, old earth and new earth, as we shift from a linear perspective into a Quantum reality.

As we continue to clear the density within, we activate our Merkaba’s and travel in Soul Consciousness into the Temple of Telos beneath Mt. Shasta holding the frequency of the Violet Flame, the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic, a powerful transmuting Flame. Wrapped in the Violet Flame of Transmutation we expand our Christed Light through the sacred number code of the Violet Flame as we anchor and activate the 33 Cosmic Christ Holographic discs carrying the energy of high frequency Inner Christ Blue Green Golden Light Andara through and into each vertebra of the spine as we amplify the ability for the spine to become the Operating System for our New Earth Bodies.  

Additionally, we bring in the Spinal Sonic Frequencies related to different body parts in the 432Hz frequency range numerologically to activate these body parts and organs with increased levels of rejuvenation, regeneration and crystalline consciousness.

This is a powerful Wholeness/Healing Activation expanding our Christed Blueprint, whilst releasing density and raising the frequency of body parts and organs for increased wellness in the creation of our New Earth Crystalline Bodies.

Come and join us Beloved Heart.

Video Replay available plus two Mp3’s, with and without background music.  

More on this Masterclass:

In addition to these high frequency activations, Anrita works with highly charged and programmed Andara Crystals, which create a multidimensional interface atomically through the DNA for us to anchor Heaven on Earth. The Andara Glass Crystals assist in activating the Light Codes for New Earth and expanding our Consciousness at higher dimensional bandwidths of Source Light.

The Andara Crystals utilized in this Masterclass are further available as Pendants, Crystals and Essences. 

This Masterclass further expands the frequency range of our Christed Light through sacred geometry, and sonic hertz frequency numerologically. In this instance we are working with the 432 hertz scale frequencies of the spinal column corresponding to different parts of the body expressed as numbers as well as sacred number codes channeled by Jose Gabriel Agesta.



Andara Wholeness Activation

Divine Sophia Love Codes and the Lotus Throne

Two Hour Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek  

$33(Approximately €29.50/£27.00/R550) 

Galactic Activations

Andara Wholeness Activation
Masterclass and Practitioner Training


Two Hour Masterclass Live on Zoom with Anrita Melchizedek

and the Galactic Councils of Light

Plus 48 Galactic Sacred Geometry  Light Encoded Templates

 $33(Approximately €29.50/£27.00/R550)

Join us beloved hearts as we experience forty-eight powerful Galactic Activations through the Overlighting of the Star Councils, and in particular, the Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans and Arcturians, all of the Light.

These Galactic Activations are intentional quantum energy wave spectrum frequencies of Photonic Light, and pure Diamond Crystalline Plasma Light in geometric form, with the primary sacred geometry being that of the Flower of Life, holding many of the secrets of the Universe.

These “Galactivations” accelerate our ability to experience our New Earth realities through raising our frequency and expanding our consciousness.

Through these Galactic Sacred Geometry Light Encoded Templates that ignite as spiralling spherical Geometric, Photonic and Diamond Plasma Light infusions of Crystalline Consciousness through the Golden Heart (heart and thymus chakras),  and from here, into different parts of the body and energy field, we access, re-write and program the living light and Divine Intelligence of the DNA to the next level of Galactic Light Codes and Healing/Wholeness frequencies, Overlighted by the Star Councils and our Beloved I Am Presence.

The lack of Photonic Light within our bodies, is what causes our dis-ease and dis-comfort. Living multidimensionally, our bodies fill with Photonic Light and Photonic air bubbles, which is essentially our Soul Essence, as we embody our Soul Light and activate our Light Bodies. We are essentially infusions of Photonic, Plasma, Crystalline/Christ Light experiencing our Universe in Cosmic oscillating frequencies of sacred geometry, sound, color and Quantum Consciousness.

 Plasma permeates the entire solar system, as well as the multiverse. As we shift into embodying higher energetic frequencies through alignment to the Divine, our Universe, our physical bodies transform in this process of rejuvenation and regeneration, and we are able to conduct plasma light, and change the atomic structure of our bodies from carbon based into the less dense compound of silicate, and from here to crystalline consciousness. This occurs through the changing of the number of electrons that are bonded to our atomic and subatomic structure. With this, we expand the Diamond Crystalline Plasma Light frequencies within as we deepen into soul embodiment. These plasma upgrades enable our physical body to expand the Plasma Light frequencies from within, to access the higher dimensional realms and higher states of consciousness. Additionally, as our body emits plasma, it becomes less susceptible to lower vibrational emotions such as fear, anger, and anxiety.  Further to this, we need Plasma Light to fully embody our Galactic frequencies and navigate the vibrational realities beyond the physical dimension. This upgrade allows us as Galactics to experience the expansion of our God Self, our purity aspects, as we access higher realms of consciousness.

This process of Ascension/Decension and Soul embodiment through pure Photonic and Diamond Crystalline Plasma Light, creates the Cosmic Map of Quantum Consciousness to which we hold ourselves in alignment in each Now moment, as we step beyond the veils of illusion, into Higher Heart Resonance as the Light of God We Are. 

We could further call the Diamond Light Codes, the Codes of Divinity as they are the expression of our Highest Light, our Purity and Innocence as the Light of God We Are. And as we amplify and activate the Diamond Light Codes, we align ever deeper into the Christed Light within and expand into our Crystalline/Christed Light Bodies.

 Furthermore, these Galactic Activations allows each one of us to restore our Divine Christed Blueprint as we receive an influx of Christed, Photonic and Plasma Light to expand beyond the old and transcend all karmic experiences no longer needing to be experienced. With this, we restore our cellular memories to Crystalline Consciousness, as we remember fully that we are the Christ Light, living from a state of Oneness and Unity Consciousness.

 In this beautiful Masterclass we receive these Galactic Activations and “Geometric Templates” through our connection to our Galactic Higher Self aspects and Beloved I Am Presence, in tandem with the Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan and Arcturian High Councils, who come forward at this time to add their unique energetic signatures to our amazing Light as the Flames of Divinity We Are.

Some of the numerous Galactic Activations and corresponding Geometric Templates received include:

The Beloved I Am Presence

Multidimensional Timeline Jumping

Portal Activations

Zero Point

Higher Selves, Future Selves and Multidimensional Selves

Divine Plan  

Kundalini Activation

Pineal Gland

Inner Golden Sun

Axiatonal Alignment

Akashic Records

Merkaba Activation

Light Body Activation

And numerous healing templates such as:

Purification Rings of Fire

Light Healing Infusion

Inner Temple of Self Love

Inner Plane Healing Masters

Acupuncture Healing Masters

And so much more

Come join us beloved hearts as we experience these New Earth Galactic Activations of magic and bliss, accessed on a Quantum level where all exists in Unity, Harmony and Love.

Recordings are available in video format, plus Mp3, with and without background music.

These Galactic Sacred Geometry Light Encoded Templates will be shared via Zoom, and you will receive the full benefits of these Galactic Activations and Galactic Templates. Optionally, you may purchase the 48 Galactic Sacred Geometry Light Encoded Templates for your own use for an additional $11.  If you choose this option, you will receive a PDF to print out (and cut out) featuring miniature versions of the Galactic Templates. (Seven pages in total).

You are further invited to join us for the Practitioner Training, where you will be able to utilize these amazing Galactic Activations and Sacred Geometry Templates for your own Light Tribe.

This is a live zoom, and recordings will be available, video and audio, with and without background music.


Galactic Activations Practitioner Training


Live on Zoom with Anrita Melchizedek

Sunday December 3rd at 10am PT/1pm ET

$177 (Approximately €160/£140)



Beloved heart, you will provide you with techniques and tools that will expand your Light, elevate your Consciousness, and in a step-by-step process, we will show you how to be a powerful Galactic Activations Practitioner and offer one-on-one sessions to your Light Tribe.

Following your training, you will be provided with a manual that you can use for your Light Tribe, with these Galactic Activations plus the Galactic Sacred Geometry Templates


We will provide a template for your website page promoting a Galactic Activation Session


You will receive ongoing Monthly Q&A Zoom Support with Anrita Melchizedek till end January 2024

What We Offer

The Galactic Activations Practitioner Training offers you the opportunity to share these Galactic Activations remotely, in written format, or with one-on-one consultations.

Usually for each session you would choose twelve Galactic Activation Templates, and this is what you would work with for each person.

If you are doing a remote Galactic Activation session, you would make a Higher Self connection to your Soul client, and following this, attune them to the twelve chosen Galactic Activations. You can further email them with the Galactic Activations and Galactic Sacred Geometry Templates for their own use.

Alternatively, you would offer your Galactic Activation session online to your Soul client and share the Galactic Activation Sacred Geometry Templates chosen via Zoom.

What you will receive:

You will receive all 48 Galactic Sacred Geometry Templates in both Letter Size/A4 as well as miniaturized versions in PDF to print out should you prefer.

A marketing template to promote the Galactic Activations on your website or landing page, or similar.

Plus the eBook on the Galactic Activations.

Galactic Guardianship Upgrade Transmission

To commence the Practitioner Training, you will be taken through a Galactic Guardianship Upgrade Transmission to create a connection for you with the Star Councils, and for you to act as a conduit and channel through your Galactic Higher Selves for the Galactic Activations.

You will be provided with an additional Galactic Sacred Geometry Light Encoded Template for personal use, as you deepen into this Galactic Guardianship Upgrade Transmission with the Galactic Inner Tree of Life and Flower of Life Sacred Geometries.

This transmission will create a connection to the Galactic High Councils as well as your own Galactic Higher Selves and offer an opportunity to not only expand the understanding of the Galactic Activations offered but to expand your own Service work in new ways through being both a conduit and channel to the Higher Realms. It is also a technique you can utilize each time you want to expand upon your own teachings as you will receive the Divine Inspiration at this Higher Light level through your Galactic Star Families.

We will further be working with a beautiful Andara Crystal frequency of encoded Galactic Photonic Plasma Diamond Light, and these Andara are also available as beautiful pendants and stones.

These Galactic Activations will assist you to:

Expand Multidimensionally as you collapse and dissolve old timelines, emotional blocks, false beliefs and judgments as you exit Old Earth

Stabilize your frequency to the vibration of New Earth and the Higher Dimensions as you merge with and integrate more deeply your Soul Light and Higher Selves

Express all from the Loving Heart

Deepen into the Quantum Field and connect to many of your Galactic Higher Selves

Connect to beautiful Healing Teams on the Inner Planes

Accelerate the Divine Blueprinting through DNA Upgrades, Light Body Activations, Axiatonal Alignment, Pineal Gland and Kundalini Activations and much more

Access the Akashic Records

Re-Write, Recode and expand your Consciousness through the Heart of Love

We look so forward to having you join us beautiful heart in this powerful Galactic Practitioner Training with your guide Anrita Melchizedek.


See you soon.




 Divine Sophia Love Codes and the Lotus Throne

Two Hour Zoom Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

$33(Approximately €29.50/£27.00/R550)


In this beautiful Masterclass, the Sisterhood of the Rose come forward to assist us in the rebirthing of the Divine Sophia Loves Codes as we expand into Zero Point through the Golden Heart, and from here, activate the Lotus Throne and Love Codes.

The Lotus Throne is a beautiful Red, Orange, Pink and Diamond Light Lotus Flower holding the original Divine Blueprinting of these Love Code. It ignites from the perineum stargate and into the base chakra as the Kundalini activates and rises from chakra to chakra.

The Lotus Throne further expresses through the Lotus Petals of the Chakras, from the base chakra, which has four petals through to the crown chakra, which has 1000 Petals.

As the Lotus Throne unfurls the Lotus Petals through the chakras, we breathe deep into the body to release and transcend and ignite these Petals of Light. We then bring a focus back to the 12 Petals of the Loving Heart, that ignite in this Red, Orange, Pink and Diamond Light to reveal the Divine Sophia Love Codes Overlighted by the Sisterhood of the Rose.


These Divine Sophia Love Codes are:



Soul Alignment

Divine Love



Divine Inspiration and Passion








The Divine Sophia Love Codes are then anchored and activated through particular energetic points within the body to amplify these frequencies, and with this, we bring in the Sisterhood of the Rose Divine Love Andara frequencies to amplify and expand all that is experienced with beautiful affirmations and invocations.

Called ‘The Crystals of the Masters”, the Andara are multidimensional elemental beings, assisting us as sacred flames of Divinity to connect multidimensionally and expand our consciousness. They express atomically and monatomically in connecting us to our multidimensional Selves and Higher Selves and timelines of our Highest Potential, as well as synchronizing our work flow in both the dream state and awakening states for greater levels of joy, passion and purpose and much more.

The Andara Crystals take us deeper into our loving hearts and streamline our work focus and spiritual goals. They assist us to communicate more deeply with others, as well as animals and nature and share with us different ways to expand our consciousness.

Lastly we experience the Spinal Column ignite as Photonic Diamond white Light, as we merge with all Divine Feminine Christ aspects of ourselves, in the knowing that we are the Light of God, that we are the sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love living New Earth.

Join us beloved heart in this powerful light encoded transmission that takes us ever deeper into the fifth dimensional Zero Point templatings of Divine Love and ever deeper into loving and nurturing of Self. 


Additionally the Divine Sophia Light Codes are a Wholeness Activation that you can offer remotely to another.


Benefits Include:

Activating the Light Codes of Divine Love
Expanding into Zero Point  

Activating the Kundalini  

Aligning into the Original Divine Blueprinting

Releasing and transcending all that no longer needs to be experienced

Receiving deep wholeness/healing frequencies 

Deepening the connection to the Sisterhood of the Rose


Deepening into Self Love


Recordings are video and audio, with and without background music.


About Anrita Melchizedek

New Earth Guide, Soul Reader, Intuitive Apothecarist,  Light Weaver, Visionary, Wayshower, Gate Keeper, Grid Keeper, and Andara Custodian.

As an Ascension Guide, Anrita draws upon the Light Codes of Highest Potentiality from within as well through the New Earth Templates in the form of sacred geometry, sound, color, and frequency, and transmits and shares these frequency codes through her Light work. Her primary gift is assisting the Light Tribe to weave their codes of potentiality and Soul expansion into their greatest expression of Service in Love through reading the collective blueprints of the I Am Avatar Consciousness, the Higher Selves of all awakened Souls.

Her greatest joy is to be of service in Love.

What others have to say about Anrita & the Andaras

“Love, Love my Andara Crystal Pendant, thank you so much my darling Anrita. My son also loves the Light Codes of his incredible Andara Crystal Pendant, which is currently changing color and energy to match his vibration. So powerful and amazing. We can really feel the energies. Thank you Anrita. So grateful for you.” 

Adie S

Dearest Anrita,

Just wanted to get in touch to thank you and to saying that I am really enjoying the energy of my new pendent!

Since receiving the pendant, I now feel a deeper sense of connection with my own love and joy which I am loving.

I have also felt more confident in my spiritual work which is an additional blessing.

This experience has definitely converted me to an appreciation of Andara crystals too.

Thanks again.

Very Best Wishes


Jonathan H

“Thank you so much for my beautiful Andara Crystals dear Anrita. They are on my altar. It is amazing. It is like the Andara Crystals have always been there, balancing the energy of my Angel crystals. It is absolutely stunning. They are bringing up for me what I am still needing to clear. I am just allowing these old beliefs to surface and dissolve as the new presents. I am so incredibly grateful.”

Liesl N

Hi Anrita,

I received my beautiful Andara’s just after Christmas. 

Thank you for the additional blue/clear one. That was so very intuitive of you. 

The green Andara really got my attention. 

I love them.

Thank you.


Lisa J


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